
How to Choose Brand Ambassador

July 22, 2022 by Susan Paige

Brand ambassadors are trusted resources who know your product or service better than anyone else. They are your eyes and ears in contact with the audience, so their information is of utmost importance. So if you wonder what’s a brand ambassador, these ‘employees’ will represent your company and influence the way others view it. They can also help you generate good content and maximize your organic social media presence.

When hiring, you should apply the same hiring standards to your ambassadors as you would to your other employees. Your spokespeople don’t have to be professionals. Still, they must have a good public image and enough followers to be relevant. If you know where to look, you can even find a suitable spokesperson among your employees.

Know What You Need

When choosing a spokesperson for your company, you should consider quantitative statistics, demographics, and values aligned with your business. Besides, your brand ambassador program should have clear guidelines and policies for how your advocates should behave online.

A marketing degree is not a must for someone to be a successful brand ambassador. But it would help to find someone with some marketing background. Also, ensure your chosen ambassadors are well-versed in the marketing tools. It’s a highly desirable skill. It also helps if they’re familiar with local markets and culture.

This way, you can judge the training time needed. Also, ask them how they network and what they do (or did) for other partners. If they have experience in the field, hiring them will be a bonus.

Image and Reputation

Be sure to choose someone with a high level of professionalism and a proven track record. Your spokespeople must be able to commit to goals and agreements and work well in a team environment. But before you work with them, check their public image and reputation on social media to ensure they’re a good fit for your trademark.

You should also consider whether your prospective brand ambassador can drive awareness and conversions. Famous people and influencers are in constant contact with their followers. The more they have them, the better. But you must carefully consider the public image and reputation of prospective brand ambassadors to ensure a successful campaign.

Suppose a chosen person had a recent scandal, sinful lifestyle, or negative public image. That’s not something you offer to the audience, right? So it’s clear that you aren’t a good match, despite their high number of followers. Publicity is good, but you shouldn’t put your brand in a negative context at all costs.

Do They Share Your Values?

Before selecting brand ambassadors, ask yourself: Do these people share your values? Could their followers be passionate about your product or service? Do they have a genuine passion for your product/service? If so, they should be ideal candidates.

On the following source, find a list of interview questions when hiring a brand advocate:


Make sure that the people you choose share your core values. And not just that. They should also be able to embody and express themselves to their wide audience. You need someone who will use every opportunity to speak in the name of your company. That could be either in person or through social media channels.

After establishing a relationship with your brand ambassador, you need to foster it. Keeping an eye on the ambassadors’ social media activity is a must. That way, you’ll ensure that they’re not doing anything that contradicts your principles, like trashing competitors’ products or services.

Do They Reach Your Target Audience?

Your brand ambassadors are your customers. They have followers and subscribers who can be your potential customers. So they are the bond between you and your target audience, providing you with enough information to create a suitable marketing strategy.

Besides being a trusted source for a product, ambassadors can leverage their networks and influence and increase your brand awareness and boost sales among their loyal followings. These people see your spokesperson as an expert, trusting their opinion and recommendations.

Search within Your Company

When you need brand ambassadors, you usually start with famous names or figures in your industry. So look at social media, websites, or blogs relevant to your niche. But in all that rush, you could miss an actual gold – your own staff.

Your employees can be your most valuable advocates. If you know someone who shows initiative and appreciation toward your company, you might find yourself a spokesperson. You can check this page for more tips on training your employees to be the best brand ambassadors.

Popular brands understand the importance of authenticity in modern marketing and the role of social media and influencers. They employ brand ambassadors who represent an invaluable asset for their marketing efforts. So if you can tap into the power of the spokespeople’s influence, you’ll be well on your way to reaching your target audience.

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