
Why You Need a Budget in Your Life

October 3, 2020 by Justin Weinger

It is easy to look online to learn how to plan a budget, but you may wonder if you need one. If all your bills are paid at the end of the month, you may assume that you are doing fine financially, so it’s not necessary. Or, if your financial situation is not as positive, you may struggle each month to pay your bills, but assume that is just how life is.

No Matter Your Financial Situation

There are plenty of benefits to using a budget, regardless of your financial situation. The simple act of sitting down and writing out your income and expenses can provide valuable information. Understanding the benefits of tracking your income and expenses makes it easier to stay on track. Whether you have barely enough to scrape by, or are stashing plenty of money away in savings each month, you can improve your financial picture by planning and using a budget.

You Will Better Understand Where Your Money Goes

Sometimes it is the large expenses, such as high housing costs, that make it difficult to make ends meet. Sometimes the budget-busters are less significant costs that add up. This ease of putting regularly occurring expenses on auto-pay means that you may have a significant portion of your income going out the door each month in subscription services, streaming, cloud storage, and other expenses that you never sit down and pay yourself.

Another area where it is easy to overspend is on groceries. You can clip coupons and shop sales to save money, however, the biggest expense when it comes to food is through waste. Pull up your online banking and add up how much you spent at the grocery store in the past month. Now think of how much food you have thrown out, whether it was vegetables you never got around to eating before they went bad or leftovers from meals you prepared. Seeing how much you spend at the grocery store is a powerful incentive to be a smarter shopper.

Easier to Devote Time to Long-Term Savings

When you are in a routine of paying your bills each month and not spending too much time thinking about your finances, some things slip through the cracks. If you are carrying student loan debt, you may make your payments each month without giving it much thought. However, if you spend a little time looking around, you may find that lower interest rates would allow you to refinance your student loans and save money while reducing your debt.

Another area where it is easy to get careless is credit card debt. With the many different credit card reward programs available, many people pay their daily expenses with credit, with the plan to pay off in full each month. This allows them to accumulate rewards for travel or cashback. This is only a good plan if you are conscientious about paying the card off, in full, each month. It can be tempting, however, if you spend a little more than you had planned, to carry a balance. This can add up quickly, costing you a considerable amount of interest.

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