Finding some extra cash is always helpful to do the fun stuff, pay off debt, or just put into savings. Sometimes a second job is just not feasible because the time and energy cost you more money than you make. But there are some ways to make extra money without doing very much. Here are my top tips for making some extra cash and getting paid to drive.
Become a Mobile Billboard
Did you know that you can earn money for advertising a business on the side of your car? Yes, you can! You may have something as simple as a large magnet on your car door or as big as a wrap on the car. They pay you for the usage of space as it generates income for them. Be mindful that many companies require you to drive through high-traffic areas regularly.
Do the Rideshare Thing
Uber and Lyft have changed how we engage with rideshare, and it’s become a popular way to travel. Becoming a driver for either (or both as many do) is a fantastic way to make some extra cash. Many people work when they have free time. Some purposely work on weekend evenings when people need transportation after a lively night out. It’s a great option for people who like to drive, know the area well (because sometimes GPS fails), and love to meet people.
The Not Pizza Food Delivery Service
Driving for a pizza company isn’t always the greatest idea, and many food delivery services make food delivery fun. DoorDash, GrubHub, UberEats, PostMates, and Waitr are great companies to work with. Someone places a takeout order, pays for it, you pick it up, and you deliver it. Instacart works the same way except you pick up groceries rather than buffalo wings from a restaurant. Essentially, they pay you to be someone’s Food Fairy, and that is always a good thing!
Test Drive Cars
This one works a little like mystery shopping gig. You test drive a car, sit for a sales pitch, then relay your experience back to the company and get paid. It’s not hard and may take an hour of your time. Imagine being able to test drive a sports car or just a vehicle that you couldn’t afford? Who wouldn’t jump at that chance? Companies, like BestMark, are routinely seeking out folks in all sorts of areas and you could easily make some cash over a weekend, or whenever you want.
Rent Your Car
So technically, you don’t drive and get paid with this gig. Instead, you allow someone to rent your car for a fee. Getaround is a well-known company that has revolutionized car rentals. Think of it as an Airbnb of vehicles. While you sit at work, someone could use your car to run errands. If you have an extra car that you don’t use much, you can employ it for extra cash. Or maybe you rarely leave home, that car could be a source of income. If you want to do that sort of thing, be sure to choose a company that will cover your vehicle under their insurance (many do!). No need for you to pay for extra insurance to eat up your extra income.
These are just a handful of ways to make driving profitable. Have you used any of these ideas? Got an idea to share? Comment below because we would love to hear it!
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- How Much Car Can You Afford?
- 5 Ways To Make A Side Income Without Too Much Effort
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