

Gender and Debt: 10 Reasons Why Men Accumulate More Debt Than Women

Gender and Debt: 10 Reasons Why Men Accumulate More Debt Than Women

One area of personal finance that remains constant even in these ever-moving and changing landscapes is the fact that, on average, men amass more debt than women. And, of course, the results are pretty much the same for credit cards, mortgages, and personal loans.  Understanding some of these reasons, which are multifaceted in origin, is

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Paying Back Medical School Loans: Tips for Success

Paying Back Medical School Loans: Tips for Success

The medical field is an incredibly demanding yet rewarding career path that requires students to invest a lot of time, money, and energy into their studies. Unfortunately, the overwhelming expense of attending medical school can be burdensome for even the most fiscally responsible individuals. Many future doctors find themselves in significant debt after obtaining their

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Should the U.S. Government Cancel Student Loan Debt?

Should the U.S. Government Cancel Student Loan Debt?

The United States government has made tax cuts, provided bailouts, and even increased spending in some cases to help the economy. Is the real answer to the economic turmoil forgiving student loans? A recent report from a group of economists at the Levy Economics Institute of Bard College showed that if the government decided to cancel student loan

Should the U.S. Government Cancel Student Loan Debt? Read More »